How to Start Your Own Independent Real Estate Brokerage

Going independent can be a challenging decision to make, but the autonomy and control that come with starting your own brokerage can be just as rewarding as it can be liberating. You would also be in good company; the numbers show that the majority of brokers and associates are affiliated with independent companies. For many, bigger real estate companies have too many hoops to jump through and too much red tape, which can hold agents back from being as successful as possible. For many, going independent is a solution to this.

Fortunately, the process for starting your own independent real estate brokerage isn’t terribly complicated. In fact, it’s basically just what you would do in order to start your own business in any field. The important steps can be broken down into three simple categories: making the decision, doing the prep work, and actually getting started.

Making the decision

Although the process is not as difficult as many might think, it is still an...

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