How I Broke Into the Luxury Real Estate Market! (And How You Can Too)

As a real estate agent, breaking into the luxury real estate market can be seen as the Holy Grail of sales—and for good reason! The high price points and high-profile clients, however, can be quite intimidating, and it can be easy to feel like this market is simply out of reach. As someone who did break into the luxury real estate market, though, I’m here to tell you to get that doubt out of your head!

There are some key differences when it comes to luxury real estate versus “regular” real estate, and we’ll talk about that in a bit, but the truth of the matter is: you’re one car ride and one phone call away from the luxury market. The trick is simply in taking opportunities when you have them, and creating opportunities when you don’t.

Understanding luxury

What makes luxury so different? That’s an important question with no easy answer, but exclusivity is a good start. In order to break into the luxury market, first, you need to...

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