How Much Money Does it REALLY Take To Open Your Own Real Estate Brokerage?

More than half of the real estate brokerages in the United States are independently owned, and for good reason. Not only is the autonomy and agency that comes with starting your own brokerage personally and professionally fulfilling, but going independent can be quite profitable as well. As always, though, you have to spend money to make money, so the natural question is: how much money does it take to get your own real estate brokerage up and running? The answer might be a happy surprise for many.

Starting Cost

The short answer is $2000-3000. This is for two important reasons. First, take a look at this budget planning worksheet. The worksheet lays out three different initial investment amounts depending on what your budget might look like. The entry-level layout, sort of the “bare bones” plan, puts together the bare minimum expenses necessary to get your brokerage up and running, totaling $2,215. Everyone and every brokerage will have unique and varying needs, however,...

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