How Much Money Can You Make as a Real Estate Broker Owner?

Starting a business is a big decision that can be full of risks and anxieties for anybody, and real estate brokerage is no different. One thing that is different about starting your own real estate brokerage, however, is how low the cost of entry can be, and how quickly you can turn that initial investment around and start making real profit.

With a careful plan and smart budgeting decisions, getting into the independent real estate game is perfectly feasible for just about anybody with the right credentials. Once you get the ball rolling, you can make really good money in this position, even taking into account the expenses needed to keep your agency running smoothly.

Getting started

It takes money to make money and, in the entrepreneurial world, this is especially true at the very beginning. The initial investments will be the single most important expenses you have at the beginning of your independent brokerage journey, and for good reason, but there is such a thing as getting...

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